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University Marketing & Communications

Methods to Communicate to Campus

Resources for Communication

The University of Montevallo offers various communication channels for students, faculty and staff to share information with the UM community. The Digital Communications Committee encourages everyone on campus to consider a strategic approach to communications related to the audience you are trying to reach with your message.

Below are some guidelines and recommended communication channels to help you get your message in front of the intended audience on campus.

What are you wanting to promote?

Is your event open to campus?

Yes – open to all of campus No – only open to a certain group
(ex. only open to a particular major or student group)
  • Vallo Voice
  • Facebook and/or Instagram Stories (other placement at the discretion of MarComm staff)
  • On-campus digital signage
  • campus event calendar
  • Printed promotional materials
  • Departmental/organization social media
  • E-mail to targeted group of people
  • Printed promotional materials

Campus Announcement
Does your announcement pertain to all of campus or a specific group of people?

All of campus Specific group
  • Vallo Voice
  • On-campus digital signage
  • Printed promotional materials
  • University social media (placement at the discretion of MarComm staff)
  • Departmental/organization social media
  • E-mail to targeted group of people

Faculty, Staff or Student Highlight
Includes awards, accolades and significant achievements

Awards, accolades and significant achievements

If you would like assistance building a strategic communication plan for your department or organization, please contact the Office of University Marketing & Communications at 205-665-6230 or complete this form.