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CSD Faculty & Staff

Dr. Mathew Vansant

Dr. Mathew Vansant

Dr. Mathew B. Vansant is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Montevallo.

He currently runs the Swallowing and Voice Imaging Lab at the University of Montevallo Speech and Hearing Center. The Swallowing and Voice Imaging Lab (SAVI-lab) exists to support ongoing research in dysphagia, provide diagnostic imaging and therapeutic services for voice and swallowing-related disorders, and serve as an educational lab for the graduate Voice and Dysphagia courses. The lab houses both flexible and rigid endoscopes used for direct laryngeal, oropharyngeal, and nasopharyngeal imaging. The lab also provides video stroboscopy for assessment of voice/laryngeal function.

Dr. Mathew Vansant is an alumnus of UM. His primary interests are related to the use of principles of exercise science in dysphagia treatment.

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